
We believe that the Church is made up of people with unique gifts, talent, abilities, passions and callings that, when used for a common purpose, can change lives through the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are better together and everybody has something to offer.

To serve is to follow the example of Jesus. We encourage people to serve believing that through service we grow as disciples, learn about ourselves and remember that whatever we do for the last and the least, we do for the Lord. (Matthew 25:31-46)

  • Financially

    Our goal is that 15% of Fusion's budget will support the efforts of these ministry partners. 
    Every week, we offer to make a $5 donation on behalf of our first time visitors to one of three organizations. The organizations that we support through these efforts include Living Stone Prison Ministry (Springfield, SD), Abbott House, and Tree of Life (Rosebud, SD).

  • Locally

    • Annual events: Notebook drive, Love Feast, Christmas Eve offering, and more.
    • Reoccurring missions: These ministry teams engage in ministry to our community monthly, intentionally developing relationships and connecting with local non-profits in the area.
    • Prison Ministry: Living Stone Prison Ministry is a church that meets at Mike Durfee Prison in Springfield, SD. The pastors there work with the inmates to provide worship services, Bible studies, and Pastoral Care. Fusion sends a team once a month to join in worship and fellowship with the community there. For more information email
  • globally

    Fusion has ongoing ministry partnerships with communities around the world and sends teams to places such as Rwanda, Uganda, Haiti, and Peru. Our ministry partnerships with Dakota Wesleyan University, AsOne, LaGonave Alive, and others provide us with great opportunities to be a part of ongoing life and culture change through community development and education, while also giving us a greater appreciation for the image of God represented in those we serve. 


Secondary Title

Fusion has ongoing ministry partnerships with communities around the world and sends teams to places such as Rwanda, Uganda, Haiti, and Peru. Our ministry partnerships with Dakota Wesleyan University, AsOne, LaGonave Alive, and others provide us with great opportunities to be a part of ongoing life and culture change through community development and education, while also giving us a greater appreciation for the image of God represented in those we serve.