Walking (or driving) with God
Challenge: Take a prayer walk or drive and pray for those around you.
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1 NLT
Praying for all people feels like a daunting task! Where do you even begin? One way to practice praying for others is to use the things around you to remind you of others. As you walk and drive around you can pray for those in your neighborhood, your co-workers, your local schools and more! What do you pray for? If you know things about their life pray for those things. If not, give thanks to God for them and pray that they might receive God’s grace in a fresh way today.
Places you could walk/drive by:
Your neighborhood: pray for your neighbors
Schools: pray for teachers and students' classmates
Work: pray for your co-workers
Hospital: pray for those who are ill and for medical professionals taking care of them
Nursing homes: pray for those who have been isolated for so long
City buildings: pray for our leaders