
There is something beautiful that happens when we make commitments to one another. Those commitments put us in relationship with each other in ways that help us to share in shaping the community around us. Because of this, we are hugely honored when people decide that they want to take a step beyond considering Fusion as their place of worship by expressing their desire to become members. 

Membership Process

Our membership process is simple and consists of three parts:

Fusion 101- The first step in the process is a one hour meeting called Fusion 101 which is a great introduction to Fusion, where we've come from, where we are going and the vision and values that help shape the decisions that we make. 

Fusion 201- The second step is Fusion 201 which takes a closer look into how Fusion is structured, how decisions are made and what our expectations are of those that choose to become members.

Member Covenant- Once you've attended Fusion 101 & 201, you can decide whether you are ready to sign the Member Covenant. We really want it to mean something when we say that we are members of Fusion and so we encourage prayerful consideration from those considering this step. As a part of the Member Covenant, you will also be asked to fill out a Serve Card (found here) and the My Gifts sheet (found here) before signing the Member Covenant.